Thursday 17 January 2013

Pre-Production Portfolio - Photographs for research

Photographs i took for research on lighting, texture, colour and composition.

This photograph was only taken to look at how light is reflected off the ground and lighting in the dark.

Night Photos for looking at how lamp posts light the ground and bounce off the ground and for looking at the areas where light doesn't reach - the shaded areas.

This photograph was taken early in the morning to look at lighting and how it has an orange hint to it from the sun and also what it does to colour, the colours seem dark as the sun has not long come up. 

This was an old factory taken to look at old abandoned buildings and the textures of it. 

This building was to look at buildings with no windows and i also noticed the weeds growing out of the gutter which i thought was effective in showing no one lives or works in that space, it appears to be derelict.

Old damaged building in Dundee, inspiration for my project, tiles off roof, no windows / smashed windows, fenced off - clear to see there is no life here, nobody should be about the building. 

Close up of the smashed window, i liked this and thought it was effective in telling a story and shows no one lives there anymore as it is still broken.

Old house, vandalized - smashed windows. roof falling apart, boarded up windows and no windows. plats growing out of roof and bricks - no one has been there in a long time. Abandoned, fenced off - looks dangerous. brick work falling apart. I'd imagine it looks quite scary at night in the dark. not somewhere i'd want to be! Gave me idea's of how to use buildings to tell a story. 

Burnt down shop in Carnoustie, fire happened recently. Road is even black from the fire. More than one shop affected, no roof - caved in. outside building dirty, items from shop still inside piled up - hasn't been moved. Thought to be arson - building tells a story. Scaffolding - something is getting done to clean it up and fix it. Again, ideas to use buildings in my environment and thinking about how i can use a building to create a story and feeling of the environment. 

Graffiti building, no windows, part of the roof missing, old building next to railway line. Been vandalized. 

More modern building, clean, street is clean, big windows in shop. 

House with boarded up windows, indicates n one lives there or that there was some damage done to the house for them to be boarded up. This could also show that someone does here they just don't have money to fix them. 

Took photos of my house to get an idea of a shapes for the building i was creating in Maya. My model is very similar to this house and think it tells the audience it might be an older house.

Photos for texture ideas

 This photo of a wooden door was taken as it inspired me for the neglected theme's door but i would make it look as though the paint was peeling off and it is broken.

These were taken of a brick wall to get ideas for the texture on the walls of the house.

 Slates for the roof of the houses

Texture for the walls of the house, this is the texture that was used in the final piece

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