Sunday 31 March 2013

Honours Project Portfolio - 3D Work - first renders of models

Roughed out models, to be worked on some more and textured...

Background buildings, basic shapes to be textured, no detail in the models as they will be in the background and and the focus should not be on them.

Door for the respected theme, with windows in the center of the top half and the bottom half

Door for the neglected theme, wooden door, panels of wood is modelled in and a slightly distorted shape as it is to have broken look to it.

First attempt of a deflated football, this was harder to create than i expected, i used a sphere and the sculpt geometry tool to push in part of the model but i wasn't happy with the look of it. It doesn't look like a deflated ball so had another attempt.

Second attempt at the deflated ball, this time i used a cube instead of a sphere and re-shaped it then used the sculpt geometry tool again. This made a bigger hole when i adjusted the settings of the tool and made it look more squashed instead of a rounder shape. I liked this better for the deflated ball as it looks more like it should.

Doll for the respected theme, hasn't got clothes but is still in good condition and has been cared for, has all of its arms and legs!

Doll for the neglected theme and this one has a leg, a hand and an eye missing to show the child has not cared for the doll, she is broken.

Scooter, one model for the two themes, just plan to change the textures. The darker area's should not look they have disappeared though, this was due to softening the edges so to solve this i hardened some edges to bring out the shape of the pole of the scooter.

One fence for the two themes again, only changing the textures and moving some panels so they look they have broken off and never been fixed, they will be lying on the ground or hanging off. A lot of time could have been saved with this if i had bevelled the edges before duplicating, instead i created the whole fence then bevelled the edges on one panel and thought it looked better as it was slightly rounder and the edges were not as sharp so deleted the panels then duplicated the bevelled panel around the fence again.

first attempt with the fur tool to create grass, this one was a test for the respected theme, it is shorter, looks like i gets cut and a healthy green looking colour.

this grass is for the neglected theme, its supposed to look dead, no life to it and is not as green as it is dead, it should look over grown and flattened so will need more work. Will also change the colour to a brown/yellow for the dead grass. 
House for the neglected theme, has a crack in the walls and the walls are slightly distorted as if the house is falling apart but the theme will be clearer when it has textures. Still needs work for the window sills, and the door is a bit wide and the gutter needs to be added. 

House for the respected theme, it's still in a house shape, it's not distorted. Again the window sills need to be added and bricks pushed into the walls to make it more 3D rather them only being textured on. 

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