Thursday 25 October 2012

Aim and Objectives Of Honours Project

Final Research Question: How can a production designer visually communicate character and theme of a narrative in environment design?

1) Investigate environments in films and photographs to look for the type of characters that belong there or any themes the environment has

2) Case studies to compare environments to find out if different studios convey character and theme in different ways

3)  Media tests working with criteria to experiment with creating an environment to show theme

4) Examine media tests to find out if they show any theme or type of character within the environment

Revised Research Question Again: How can an environment tell a story and what can it show about a character and their personality?

Aim: find out what factors contribute to tell a story in an environment and show what kind of character belongs in that environment, show a character's personality.

1)  Investigate environments in films & photographs to think about the factors that make up the environment and if they contribute to the story

2) Case studies to compare environments in films by different companies to find out how they tell a story to show whats going on and what / if they say anything about a character.

3) Media tests working with different factors that change how an environment looks to find out how to create an environment that connects to a characters personality. 

4) Examine media tests to find out how they put across a story and if they give any clues about the type of character that would belong there

Revised Research Question: How can an environment tell a story and what can atmosphere do to contribute to the story?

1) Investigate environements in films & games and examine them to think about the things that make up the environment and if they contribute to the story at all

2) Case study to compare bright colourful environments with dark environments then look at atmosphere they have and investigate how one environment can change to support a story

3) Create some small enviroments for media tests working with different factors that change how the environment looks to add to the atmosphere/mood of the environment.

4) Examine media tests to find out if an environment can out across a story and what effect the atmopshere makes to tell the story

Question: How can an environment put across a story point?

1) Investigate environements in films & games and examine them to think about the things that make up the environment and if they contribute to the story at all, what's happening in the environment?

2) Case study to compare bright colourful environments with dark environments and investigate how an enviroment can change to support a story

3) Create some small enviroments for media tests working with different things that change how he environment looks

4) Examine media tests to find out if an environment can out across a story point and what makes it tell the story

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