3D ball
3D broken & neglected doll
3D deflated & dirty ball
3D looked after doll
3D door
3D fence
3D broken door, paint peeling off & rusty letterbox
3D broken fence with dirt & moss
3D rusty & dirty scooter, foam off handles
3D clean scooter, looks new
The above models were all modelled in Maya for my honours project in my fourth year at Abertay university.
3D potion bottles modelled in Maya and textured in Photoshop for short animation
about a wizard making potions to look younger. I was part of a group and my job was to create these assets for the animation.
3D scrolls for wizard animation
3D table modelled in Maya and textured in Photoshop for wizard animation
3D planet for space theme environment
Modelled in 3DS Max
3D spaceship for space theme environment
Modelled in 3DS Max
3D balloon modelled in Maya with specular shading for clown/western theme game
2D crate made in Photoshop for clown/western theme game
2D tumbleweed in Photoshop for clown/western theme game
2D dead tree made in Photoshop for clown/western theme game
These 2D art pieces were for a game i help design in part of a group of a students. The concept of the game was created by Peter Hynes but my group produced the art to make the game and my job was to create some assests as well as buildings which are further down my blog.
The lamp posts were for a project at university which i didn't go ahead with.